


HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #5

The initial observation is quite like that of grammar: We understand sentences rapidly and unreflectingly in terms of relationships that are not overtly expressed. 訳:初期の観察は、(次のような)完全に基本原理のようなものであった。私たち…

HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #4

In the present chapter, which contains material to be incorporated in more detailed form in his book (Sacks in press), he develops a conceptual apparatus for the empirical study of the specific ways in which what Garfinkel calls practical …

HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #3

His research has been concerned with natural conversation, analyzed to discover how its structure and resources reflect speakers' social knowledge. 訳:彼の研究は、自然な会話がテーマとされ、その組織や諸資源が、話し手の社会的知識をどのよう…

HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #2

He received his doctorate from the University of California, Berkeley, and has taught at the University of California, Los Angeles. 訳:彼は、カリフォルニア大学バークレー校で博士号を取得し、カリフォルニア大学ロサンゼルス校で教師をしている…

HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #1

数年かけて、サックスの「子どものお話の分析可能性」を一文一文訳していきたいと思う。飽きずに最後までちゃんと訳させるかが心配だ。サックスの英語は難しいと評判なので、そこも不安である。 Harvey Sacks is an associate professor of sociology at the…