

HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #9

He studies the semantic and theoretical strategies by which speakers identify themselves or react to others, his analysis concentrates on the use of particular nouns or verbs such as 'mother,' 'baby,' 'shortstop,' 'baseball team,' 'hairstylist,' or activities such as 'crying,' 'doing fashions,' or 'having sexual problems,' which serve as markers of social relationships.




メモ:'doing fashions,'が、いかなるものかわからないかった。おそらく、流行にのることだと思うけど。サックスの流行の分析なんてあるのかな。今度探してみよう。

HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #8

But unlike the linguists, who in their concern with literary style tend to be concerned with texts per se, Sacks focuses specifically on verbal exchanges between speakers.




literary styleがよくわからなかった。辞書で調べても文語体としかでてこない。文語体に関するがあるだと、古典の文章に関心があるという意味にもなるので、何か違和感があった。言語学と一緒にググると、文体論というものがヒットした。Wikiでみると文体論は、文章の社会的な形式や性質を研究する応用言語の分野のようだ。literary styleは、これを指している気がする。


HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #7

 Sacks deals with material on which linguists have also worked-the coherence of texts [how it is that sentences are heard as a connected text and not as an arbitrary list (Hassan 1968)] and the delimitation of semantic fields.

 訳:サックスは、言語学者も考えていた題材である、意味の諸領域の境界やテクストの一貫性の働き[どのように文が、気まぐれな一覧ではなく、関連したテクストとして聞かれるのか(Hassan 1968)]について論じている。



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HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #6

 There must, therefore, be implicit kinds of knowledge in terms of which this ability can be explained.






HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #5

 The initial observation is quite like that of grammar: We understand sentences rapidly and unreflectingly in terms of relationships that are not overtly expressed.









HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #4

 In the present chapter, which contains material to be incorporated in more detailed form in his book (Sacks in press), he develops a conceptual apparatus for the empirical study of the specific ways in which what Garfinkel calls practical reasoning is used in everyday discourse.




the specific waysは、エスノメソドロジーを指しているのだろう。



HARVEY SACKS (1972) On the Analyzability of Stories by Children #3

 His research has been concerned with natural conversation, analyzed to discover how its structure and resources reflect speakers' social knowledge.



 natural conversationを自然な会話と訳したが、他に訳があるだろうか。日常の会話でもいいかもしれない。
